Saturday, August 5, 2023

Braid Vintage Fruity Potholders for Dolls

One strawberry and one watermelon braided
potholders for our 18 inch doll's kitchen oven.
       If you know how to braid yarn, you can make fruity potholders for your doll's kitchen. 
       The size of these potholders will be dictated by the size of your doll's hand.

Supply List:
  • red, melon, white and green yarn
  • needle and matching threads
  • black seed beads
  • a small clamp
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. For the potholders, it is best to braid a length of 12 inches at a time. 
  2. For instance braid from red a length of 12" and then use a small clamp to hold the 3 strands together while you work at the sewing part of this craft.
  3. Thread a needle of matching red thread. 
  4. Roll the braid around itself and whip stitch the sides together at use work the red into a round strawberry shape. 
  5. Once it is the size you like, cut the braid, and sew the ends neatly to the last side length. 
  6. Tack on a loop of yarn for hanging it you like and then shape green loops of yarn about the top of the strawberry to add detail.
  7. Do the same steps for the watermelon and then sew on tiny black seed beads to finish.
  8. If you need the potholders to be larger, simply continue to braid longer lengths of yarn after the clamp has been removed and so on...
More Doll Sized Potholders:

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