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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Little Spring Verses

Beneath the ground the flowers have been sleeping,
Safely, all winter, not one of them peeping,
But, now, the rains whisper, the sun shines so bright,
They push off their covers and climb to the light.

Don't tell me about pretty flowers,
And birdies on the wing;
It's when mamma begins house-cleaning
That I know it's spring.

The trees have on their pretty new dresses,
The grasses have theirs, too.
Mother Nature must have been dress-making,
All the long winter through.

Oh! what does the wind say,
Howling so loudly,
While flowers in their beds
Still sleep so soundly?

He says, "Come down,"
To the old dead leaves,
"You never can stand
My strong March breeze."

Our old friend "Jack" is in the pulpit,
And "Sweet William" is up in the bed,
While sweet, saucy "Daffy-down-dilly"
Is shaking her golden head.

The flower family are at home,
And would like to have you call.
They are sending an invitation
To every one, great and small.

The little clouds all went to play
Upon the sky-blue lawn,
Their fleecy dresses tinted
With the colors of the dawn.

But, soon, their pretty dresses,
Changed to a homely gray,
And the saddened little cloudlets,
All wept themselves away.

Little "Jack-in-the-pulpit"
Has begun preaching now,
And "Lily-o-the-valley"
Doth gracefully bow.

The blue-bells all are ringing
Their first soft call to praise.
Again God's lovely flowers
Make Sabbath all the days.

I wonder why the wee, tender flowers,
Come right after the snow.
I'm sure it would seem the big strong ones
Would be the first to grow.

I guess it must be that the baby flowers,
Never think of having a fear.
And it's because they trust God, He sends these
The first of them all, every year.

The flowers have new dresses,
Whenever it comes spring.
They never must wear "last year's"
Nor an old "made-over" thing.

But then they stay all winter,
Out alone in the cold;
So I s'pose there are worse things,
Than dresses that are old.

Papa fixed the flower-beds,
Mamma planted the seeds,
And said I could have a nickel,
If I would pull the weeds.

Just as soon as they came up,
I worked and worked till noon,
When papa said, "He's pulled the plants
My son, you worked too soon."

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