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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Waking To Life

by Hannah Kohaus

From a lowly, rusty bed,
A crocus feebly raised its head,
And I'm sure I heard it say,
"Who is it that's risen to-day?"

A lily of the valley white,
With its head but just in sight,
Heard I in a sweet voice say,
"Who is it that's risen to-day?"

Farther on a stream in glee
Burst from icy fetters free;
Rippling sweet, I heard it say,
"Who is it that's risen to-day?"

Then a tiny blade of grass,
I essayed to heedless pass,
Raised itself to softly say,
"Who is it that's risen to-day?"

Little birds with sweetest notes
Swelling from their feathery throats,
Calling to each other, say,
"Who is it that's risen to-day?" 

Then a child with hands clasped soft,
Eyes raised earnestly aloft,
Sweetly to them all did say, 
"Christ the Lord is risen to-day!"

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