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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Known and The Unknown

The Known and The Unknown
Old And The New
by Charlotte Davenport

The Old Year gone ! Subdued our thrills of glee!
Our symphony is sung in minor key.
We knew him well! knew well his measured tread,
And neath the cypress we would pansies spread.

Then welcome give! a hearty welcome true
To Baby New Year! as he comes in view;
So infantile! so full of dimpled smiles!
We love his prattling ways and baby-wiles.

What will he give us when as babe no more
His scant experience offers childhood s store?
What will he give us as a stalwart youth
In earnest search of Wisdom s ways and truth?

What will he give us as with years gone by,
A man well-versed in lore we now descry?
What has been given ? what shall we find to say
When aged, tottering form has passed away?

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