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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Song Of The Past

by Charlotte C. Davenport

How it haunts me! And jingles! And rings in my ears!
The song that we sang in the long-agone years,
When the night-bells pealed forth and the year took its leave,
And we grouped for the singing, that gone New Year s Eve.

The air then so keen, with a cold, silvered light,
Breathed fresh of a Yuletide wrapped softly in white;
Every star seemed to twinkle in chorus! A love
Which in sweet benediction came down from above.

A night of all nights! When a sharp atmosphere
Brings to earth those innumerable orbs strangely near!
And gazing in wonder we mortals oft say
"Is it true, as they tell us they re far, far away?"

But where now are They? They that came at my call,
And joyously sang, "Happy New Year to all"?
Where? Who can tell where? Who has come back to say
As to where they have gone or to point us the way?

Yet we feel a mere veiling so sheer hangs between
Our own and ourselves! Just a spirit-like screen
We well-nigh can pierce and, like in-coming tide,
In they float one by one as the veil rolls aside.

Together! All mingling! How joyous they come!
Dear bearers of "Heartsease" our emblem of Home;
Sweet bloom ever blooming within the old walls,
And now, like response to the dear, well-known calls,

It buds out afresh! Love and harmony reign,
As the old family group haply mingles again.
What then though the night wanes I feel not alone!
I'm living sweet hours in the old, hallowed Home.

Is it wrong, then, to yearn in the quiet tonight
For the voices so stilled, and the forms beyond sight?
For the dear Mother-love, and a touch of the hand
That love all-forgiving which held in command

Any ripple arising whose spreading, allayed,
Broke away into foam, e'er it grew to a wave.
That dear Mother-love! So enduring! So true!
So helpful and beautiful life s journey through!

So full of a patience which knew no alloy !
So full of completeness of heartsease and joy!
Then why not this longing? This yearning instilled
In the heart of the mortal, which will not be quelled.

Tis only a sigh for the dear, old-time Home!
Tis only the heart calling out to its own.
Sing on, then, ye Voices! That glad time renew!
We'll sing out the "Old" now, and welcome the "New."

We'll sing, as of yore, in a soft cadence clear,
And again with sweet carols ring in the New Year!
Again will we mingle, and list the soft flow
Of the dear family greetings of long, long ago.

And so let it be! As the last moments creep
Which will drop the old year into fathomless sleep,
Come! List we together the Old Friend s retreat,
And with glee of the old-time the In-comer greet.
Aye! Come back! Come ever, as last echoes fall
Come, sing we together, "Glad New Year to All."

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