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Monday, February 8, 2021

Snow White Books, "Read Alouds" and Theater for Children

        Snow White is perhaps one of the worlds most popular fairy stories. It has been told by thousands of people across the globe. Each new author or storyteller seems to have their own version as well! I've included here some of our family's favorites. 

My favorite version of Snow White is a Pop-Up Book by Hallmark, given to me on a birthday
when I was very young. It was first published in 1967 but I am sure that I was about
6 or 7 by the time I received it.

More Snow White Pop-UP Books:

A lovely 3-dimensional version of this classic fairy story about Snow White in our family
 book collection for little ones to enjoy.

My daughter's favorite version of Snow White illustrated by Charles Santore. The most
beautiful version of the fairy tale, "Snow White", that I have ever seen 

 Read Aloud "Snow White" at YouTube:

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