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Monday, February 8, 2021

Snow White Redressed...

Snow White kicks off the first posting of our "Disney Doll Redress" series! She is one of
many princess dolls that I have collected over the past few years. Because this doll's
 face mold is designed by Disney, I have given her a Disney-like dress using pattern
number 5673 by Simplicity. These patterns are for Disney dolls with Barbie bodies;
 they do not fit the Hasbro Disney doll body versions.

       My minor sewing challenges are often the direct result of purchasing of dolls from resale for the lowest possible price. At auction or resale the value of a doll is greatly determined by the condition of the doll and her wardrobe. So, if her body is in good shape but she comes without her original clothing, the doll will sell at a much lower price point. So, I must invariably redress whatever doll that I manage to acquire through this frugal consumerism. I guess this means I haven't the soul of a true collector but more the soul of a grandmother.
       Readers here might not believe there to be much of a savings given the cost of fabric today.  If I didn't possess the fabrics and notions needed for doll wardrobe maintenance this might be the case. But I have quite a bit of sewing stuff in storage and in addition to this stash I also like to flatter myself when it comes to the added quality and durability of handmade pieces. If this is at all the case, I have only my dear old granny to thank for teaching me how to sew in my youth. That plus a stubborn belief that any doll clothing worthy of making must also include snaps, buttons, or lining!
       My grandmother also taught me how to draft patterns, beginning with doll patterns and eventually life-size patterns for my own clothes. For this blog I will either identify patterns that I have already purchased or make these as I go and upload them to the sewing index page above.
       I don't think that it is necessary for most modern people to sew their own clothes anymore, but there are so many wonderful lessons that benefit young people when experimenting with the craft. Students can learn about simple math through measuring. They may also learn about aesthetics and design principles and most certainly, they will pick up valuable lessons in patience and self confidence. 
       Additionally, every mom knows that little girls are compulsive about undressing and redressing their vinyl, childhood companions, resulting in the loss or damage of tens of thousands of doll princess gowns! At some point one must teach such silly little people to replace whatever they have discarded in order to redeem whatever virtue is left in the dressing of such pervasive Barbie doll nakedness!
Snow White Costumes for Kids:

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