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Monday, February 15, 2021

The Basset Hound Paper Doll Dog

"Bassets follow their masters everywhere."
        Our fourth dog show entry is made by Billy who is seen hear brushing his dog, Dumpy. Dumpy is the most gentle dog in the world and would do most anything for Billy as long as he gets a nice long nap afterwards.

Origin - The origin of this breed is probably French, though closely allied to the dachshund, only larger, heavier in every particular.

Uses - Having a very keen nose, is used for the general purposes of hunting rabbits.

Head - Closely resembling the bloodhound's; long, narrow, heavy flews; occiput prominent; forehead wrinkled to the eyes, which should be kind and show the haw. Teeth small, and the protruding of the upper jaw is not a fault. Ears so long that in hunting the dog treads on them, set low, hang loose in folds, ends curl inward, thin and velvety.

Neck -  The neck is powerful, with heavy dewlaps. Elbows must not turn out. The chest is deep, full and framed like a "man-of-war."

Legs and Feet
- Fore legs short (about 4 inches), close-fitting to chest; massive paw, each toe standing out distinctly.

-  The stifles are bent and the quarters are full of muscle, which stands out so that when one looks at the dog from behind it gives him a round, barrel-like effect. This, with their peculiar waddling gait, goes a long way toward Basset character, a quality easily recognized by the judge, and as desirable as terrier character in a terrier.

Stern - The stern is coarse underneath, and carried hound fashion.

Coat -  The coat is short, smooth and fine, and has a gloss on it like that of a race horse. To get this appearance they should be hound-gloved, never brushed. Skin loose and elastic.

Color - The color should be black, white and tan, and black patches on the back.

The basset type originated in France, and is descended from the 6th century hounds belonging to St Hubert of Belgium, which through breeding at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Hubert eventually became what is known as the St Hubert's Hound around 1000 AD. St Hubert's original hounds are descended from the Laconian (Spartan) Hound, one of four groups of dogs discerned from Greek representations and descriptions. These scent hounds were described as large, slow, 'short-legged and deep mouthed' dogs with a small head, straight nose, upright ears and long neck, and either tan with white markings or black with tan markings. Laconian Hounds were reputed to not give up the scent until they found their prey. They eventually found their way to Constantinople, and from there to Europe. Read more...

More About Basset Hounds:

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