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Monday, February 15, 2021

The Poodle Paper Doll Dog

        This little girl is named Fifi and her standard poodle Chevalier Pierre of Paris. However, Fifi just calls her Muffy. Muffy is a show dog who is both obedient and graceful. The funny way he is trimmed makes people think that he is smiling all the time.

"French poodles come in black, white and grey."

Origin - There is little doubt but that the poodle of today finds its origin in the old "water-dog" of France, where it was not only used for retrieving wounded water-fowl, bu for swimming-contests, when the hind parts were clipped or shaven in order to give freer action to the legs.

Uses - A very bright, intelligent companion, and a good retriever.

General Appearance - Strong, active, intelligent, bobby in build, and perfectly coated with close curls or long "cords."

Head - Long; skull large, wide between the eyes, slight peak; parts over eyes well arched; the whole covered with curls or cords.

Muzzle - long (not snipy), slightly tapering, not too deep; stop well defined. Teeth level and strong; black roof of mouth is preferable.

Eyes - medium size, dark, bright, and set at right angles with the line of face. 

Nose - large, perfectly black; wide-open nostrils. 

Ears - very long, close to cheek, low set, and well covered wit ringlets or curls.

Neck - Very strong, admitting had to be carried high

Chest - Fairly deep, but not too wide, well covered with muscles

Legs - Fore legs perfectly straight, and not so long at to be leggy; hind legs muscular, well bent, with hocks low down

Feet - Strong, slightly spread, standing well on toes; nails black; pads large and hard

Back - Fair length; well-ribbed-up body; loins strong and muscular

Tail - Carried at angle of 45 degrees, with long ringlets or cords. Preferable length 3 to 5 inches

Coat - If corded, cords should be thick and strong, hanging in long ropy cords. If curly, the curls close, thick, and of silky texture

Weight - From 40 to 60 pounds

Colors - Only three colors are admitted, black, white, and red, and they should be without mixture


       Of the size varieties, Standard Poodles are the most highly recommended for families with children. Because of the haircuts popular in the show ring and their history of being dogs of the middle and upper classes for so long, the Standard Poodle has been stereotyped as an effete and frou-frou dog. Presuming that stereotype is true where children and teenagers are concerned is a grave mistake, because the truth is that a Standard Poodle will rejoice at the opportunity to bounce around, even roughhouse in the dirt. They have a merry, kindly demeanor and they adore playing games that spark their interest in physical and social stimulation. For example, with school age children and teenagers they will be absolutely delighted at the prospect of playing hide and seek. The Standard would be very happy playing baseball or tennis with kids and teenagers, because that means catching wayward balls in their mouths. They would be happy to run alongside a teenager on a skateboard in autumn, to slide down the hill on a sled in winter with younger children, or to jump in the swimming pool in summertime to chase after diving rings or to splash with the kids so long as they have been taught how to use the stairs to get out and water safety skills for dogs. Read more . . .

More About Poodles:

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