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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Dolls by Jessie McCutcheon Raleigh

The dolls photographed above left to right, Goldilocks, Peeps, Mama's Angel Child,
Red Riding Hood, and Mary-Had-a-Lamb (with original costumes)
are all by Jessie McCutcheon Raleigh.
       "I wish I might take you with me to visit the home of Mrs. Jessie McCutcheon Raleigh, the mother of these dear little dolls, just so you can see for yourself the joy that goes into the fashioning of these little people so that they will carry happiness to all  the little kiddies this Christmas. Mrs. Raleigh is a real Santa Claus and she has taken as her model for her dolls little American children. And the dresses she has made for them will delight big mothers, and little mothers as well. There are two kinds of dolls, those which open and close their eyes and those which do not." Anne Wilson, 1919

Above are examples of Jessie McCutcheon  Raleigh dolls in original costume:
Mary-Quite-Contrary, Big Mary, Doll-o'-My-Heart, Baby Sherry,
Dorothy, Little Lucile and Poppy.

    Mrs. Jessie McCutcheon Raleigh of Chicago, who has achieved fame and fortune as America's leading women doll-maker. In her factory Mrs. Raleigh turns out thousands of Christmas dolls of all kinds. Dolls that walk and talk, dolls that cry and dolls that close their eyes. In the picture just right, Mrs. Raleigh is entirely surrounded by a large family of Christmas dolls, all dressed up for Santa Claus to come and get them.  Washington Herold, 1919
       The  Raleigh Doll Company was founded and named after Mrs. Jessie McCutcheon Raleigh in 1916. It was then purchased by the Pollyanna Doll Company in 1920. This company from Chicago operated for a brief but successful 10 year span. Student artists were employed to paint the doll's faces. All of these dolls had composition heads but their bodies were made from a variety of materials. Dolls could be purchased with wigs or molded hair. When dolls were marked the word "COMFORT'' is shown. Many of the dolls have no makers mark at all.

Two additional dolls: Little Rabbit Lady and Miss Happy

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