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Monday, May 17, 2021

Peggy Nisbet Dolls

Travel doll by Peggy Nisbet.
        Peggy Nisbet, maiden name Peacock, was born in 1909 and later died in 1995 at the age of 86. She successfully ran the second largest doll company in all of Great Britain. In 1952 she began to make dolls dressed in national costumes; her company House of Nisbet, has always been respected for it's attention to detail and historically accurate doll costuming. Many Americans still collect Nisbet's dolls. 
       She wrote an autobiography about her life's challenges and her personal commitment to the development of her costume dolls during the 1950s. Her book is called The Peggy Nisbet Story.
       In 1979 She was awarded the MBE for her lifetime achievements in export trade.  Our example Nisbet doll, just right, is of a Yeoman warder in state dress uniform. Read more about this traditional British costume and the responsibilities of a Beefeater below.

The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign's Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary, popularly known as the Beefeaters, are ceremonial guardians of the Tower of London. In principle they are responsible for looking after any prisoners in the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels. They have also conducted guided tours of the Tower since the Victorian era.

Allan Su is your travel guide to a Weekend in London.

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