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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Mother's Pincushion


Mother's Pincushion
by Harriet Hunting Pierson

One thing I just love to do
On a rainy day-
Put my mother's pin-cushion
All in fine array.
First the black pins, fat and round;
Here's the place for them,
In the center, where they make
A perfect letter M.
That's for "Mother," don't you see?
And around it goes
Just a square of common pins,
All in nice, straight rows,
With a gold or silver pin
Where the corners meet;
Then the fancy colored ones-
They do look so sweet,
Scattered round in little groups,
Pinks and greens and blues,
And some odd ones here and there,
All too nice to use.
S'pose they'll all be jumbled soon
Every which-a-way,
But I'll fix them better still
Some other rainy day.

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