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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Sewing a doughnut pincushion is a bit tricky . . .

Finished doughnut pincushion.

       Sewing a wool felt, doughnut pincushion is not as easy as it looks. It helps to have good hand-sewing experience. An adult who can sew the inner hole shut for his or her child may need to keep and eye on this little sewing project in order to smooth over a few frustrations for a young person. But, felt is forgiving, so pull together the flaws and gaps with the finishing stitches and soon you will have a cute little pincushion completed within an hour.

Supply List:

  • tan 'doughnut' shade felt, one square 12 x12 wool
  • alternate icing color felt, one square 12 x 12 wool
  • seed beads for 'sprinkles
  • cotton batting
  • matching threads and embroidery floss for top stiching
  • washable ink pen or soft pencil or chalk for marking on felt

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1.  First you will need to determine the size of your pincushion. The younger the sewer will find a larger doughnut easier to work with.
  2. Cut two identical circles from the tan felt.
  3. Sew around the outer edge of the doughnut leaving a 1/4 seam.
  4. Using a sharp pair of small scissors, cut a round whole through the center of both circles and then turn the fabric right sides out. 
  5. Now here comes the tricky part. Using a needle and thread, turn the inner edges of the doughnut whole slightly inside as you tack together the inner hole of the doughnut all the way around to make a full enclosure. 
  6. Take your small sharp scissors and cut through only one of the doughnut halves an opening large enough to stuff this pincushion. (see below)
  7. Stuff the inside firmly, packing the cotton till stiff. 
  8. Close the opening with a needle and thread as you go. Don't worry about the look of this closure because your going to applique the icing on top of it, so it will never be seen. (see below)
  9. Cut from your second felt square a icing top. Make it a bit curvy so that it looks as though the doughnut has been 'dipped' into the icing at a bakery.
  10. Sew the icing on top using your favorite top stitch. 
  11. Sew around the doughnut seams to 'firm' and tiddy up the stuffed pin cushion.
  12. Thread a thin needle and sew seed beads or in the example's case bugle beads randomly on top of the faux icing for decoration. (see below)
Left, Take your small sharp scissors and cut through only one of the doughnut halves an opening
 large enough to stuff this pincushion. Center, Close the opening with a needle and thread as you go.
Don't worry about the look of this closure because your going to applique the icing on top of it,
so it will never be seen. Right, Thread a thin needle and sew seed beads or in the example's case
 bugle beads randomly on top of the faux icing for decoration.

More Doughnut Crafts:

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