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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Robert Raikes wooden doll named "Abigail"

Left, Abigail has been altered to enable her to sit as well as stand.
Right, she is sitting on her own now.

      Our wooden doll by Robert Raikes, 1990, is called "Abigail." She is from his Morning Meadow Collection. She has lovely blue glass eyes, carved features and lower arms and legs carved from wood as well. Abigail wears a very nice brunette wig and pioneer dress fashions made using cotton prints. 
       As you can see, I have altered Abigail's body to satisfy my own needs. She could not truely stand on her own and needed a doll stand to help her stay upright. So I chose to give her a more versatile body type by removing some of her stuffing and sewing a seam where her hips and upper thighs would naturally bend, so she could sit on her own. When I need her to stand, I just slip her into a doll stand alternatively. 
       Robert Raikes is well-known for his wooden faced bears, not dolls. I've included a video below in which the Thrift Shop Hustler discussed values and collectibility of his bears. 

Left, Abigail prior to her transformation, without costume. Center, a close-up view of this
wooden doll by Raikes. Her face is scratched on the left cheek. Right, her shoulder
plate is carved with the designer's signature and her number, 4433/7500.
This means that she is the 4433 doll out of a edition of 7500 dolls made.

Know your stuff about Raikes Bears.

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