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Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Rainbow Story

 The Rainbow Story
E. Antoinette Luques

All the bright Jacque roses,
In their soft red coats,
Tried to navigate the air
In fleecy little boats.

Then the plump round thistles,
Who heard the news next morn,
Sent the orange butterflies
To see where they had gone.

Linked the dandelions
Their stems into a chain,
Then cast it o'er the moon's horn
The harbor thus to gain.

"If not silly butterflies,
We'll do in such a scene,"
Chirped the hopper-grasses
Who were with envy green.

The dainty harebells knew
They could not reach the sky,
The larks said, "Oh, let's take them.
What fun to fly so high!"

Last the modest violets,
As timid as could be,
Each asked their friends, the zephyrs,
"Pray, would you carry me?"

Up there where the sunshine
Makes a long, long day;
Up there where the swift wild winds
Forever chase and play;

Up in the blue cloud lands,
These wanderers from the earth,
So glad to see each other,
So full of joy and mirth,

Joyfully joined together
In a dance of bliss.
Oh, the wondrous harmony!
No color could one miss.

A little girl looked all about,
"Oh! where did the flowers hide?"
Her round eyes towards the sky she turned
"In that rainbow! See!" she cried.

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