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Friday, July 8, 2022

At Break-fast...

At Break-Fast

A brave lit-tle bird
That want-ed some fun
Flew in and light-ed
On the ba-by's bun.

He pecked at a cur-rant,
He sipped from the cup,
Then hopped on the loaf,
And thus piped up:

"Peep-sy weeps! Ba-by, say,
What'll you give if I will stay?
"Peep-sy weeps! Ba-by, O,
What'll you give if I will go?"

He splashed the milk,
He nib-bled the bread,
He spread both wings,
He stood on his head.

But still the ba-by
Said nev-er a word-
And out the win-dow
Flashed the bird!

"Peep-sy weeps!" loud sang he,
"Such a stu-pid ba-by I nev-er did see!
Nev-er a smile, nev-er a word-
Peep-sy weeps! I'm glad I'm a bird!"

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