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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Make an Old-Fashioned Berry Box Cradle

       The Cradle shown here and with details, is made using a berry-box with a wood chip basket hood. Open the side of the box that has the lapped ends, and fold down and out the doubled pieces (shown below). Then set the box inside of the basket, with the opened side pieces against the basket sides, and sew securely to the basket with wax twine.
      In figure 689 the rockers A and the upright supports for attaching them B. Make the rockers 2 inches longer than the width of the cradle, and cut a slot in the lower end of the uprights B just wide enough to receive their ends. Figure 687 show how the uprights should be stitched to the sides of the cradle, and how the rockers should be held in the slots by loops of twine fastened to the upright ends and passed around the rocker ends.
More Cradles:

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