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Monday, March 6, 2023

Have you ever read the story of 'The Practical Princess?'

       Most folks are not inclined to think of princesses as practical people! But then, most princesses are not forced to do the bidding of King Ludwig and Lord Garp! Bedelia, the most practical princess ever written about, always finds a way to outwit the absurd demands of her father and suitor  . . .  and in the end she finds very practical 'true love' with Prince Perian. This book by Jay Williams was a favorite between our two daughters and I know parents will enjoy the refreshing tale of a royal who makes remarkable choices due to her unique common sense!

An old worn copy of our children's favorite princess book. It's 
barely holding together!

       "The Practical Princess" is one of nine books that Jay Williams authored and collaborated with Friso Henstra to illustrate from 1969 to 1978.

  1. The Practical Princess
  2. School of Sillies
  3. Stupid Marco
  4. The Silver Whistle
  5. Seven at one Blow
  6. The Youngest Captain
  7. Petronella
  8. Forgetful Fred
  9. The Wicked Tricks of Tyl Uilenspiegal

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