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Monday, March 6, 2023

A Snow White, Flip Book Doll...

        Below is our second flip book example from my collection of the Story of Snow White.

Left, 'Snow White' is the first page. Right, The Wicked Step-Mother is the second page.

Snow White's page text: "Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl, Her lips were as red as blood; her skin as white as snow; and her hair as black as night. She was called Snow White."

Wicked, queen/step-mother's page text: "One day, her stepmother, an evil Queen, asked her magic mirror, 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who's the fairest one of all?" The mirror answered, 'Snow White' The Queen was so jealous that she ordered her huntsman to kill Snow White in the forest. Snow White begged him not to kill her, so he kindly let her go."
Left, the third page is one of the seven dwarfs that care for Snow White after she has been chased
into the forest. Right is the fourth page of an elderly woman who is the evil Queen in disguise.

One of the 7 dwarf's page text: "She ran into the forest, where she saw a cottage. She was tired, so she went in and fell asleep in a little bed. Soon, the dwarfs who lived there returned, and gently woke her. She told them all that had happened. The liked her and asked her to stay with them."

The wicked queen dressed as an 'elderly peddler's' text: "Thinking Snow White was dead, the Queen again asked the mirror, 'Who's the fairest one of all?' The mirror said, 'Snow White.' She was furious. Disguising herself as an old woman, she went to find Snow White. At the cottage, she gave Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White fell and lay as still as death."

The last page is a handsome Prince.

The handsome prince's text: "The dwarfs returned and, weeping, they placed her on her bed. A handsome prince came and, thinking her very beautiful, he kissed her. The spell was broken, and Snow White awoke. The Prince took her to his castle where they were married, and they all lived happily ever after." 

Snow White side view and front with 'bib' like costume that are pages to her story.

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