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Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Special Doll for Christmas

The Queen that cost a dollar.

      In the 1870's a farm woman and children came into a frontier town to spend Christmas.  The mother wanted her children to have a beautiful Christmas, one they would remember always. She had a little money for gifts - a suit for the boy and a doll for the girl. The doll was to be as beautiful as a queen.
       But it was late to be searching for so special a doll. Christmas was only a few hours away. The two stores were sold out. There was but one more place to look - a little music store. There sat the doll of their dreams - a Queen of Queens!
       "How much is the doll?" the mother asked.
       The shopkeeper didn't answer at once. He was thinking: "It seems only yesterday that this mother was a happy, kind school girl and I her teacher. Then she hadn't a care. Now times are hard. She fears she can't afford the doll. I'll let her have it cheap." And so he said to the mother, "The doll is one dollar."
       Joyfully the mother paid. Joyfully she laid the doll in her little girl's arms. The child named her Charlotte Ann.

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