Sunday, April 16, 2023

If Dolls Could Speak...

       If dolls could talk they could tell all about themselves - where they came from and how they happened to come - oh, they would have a lot to tell, without a doubt. Now this doll might tell whether she is from England or Germany. Sometimes she looks as though on some past day she might have sipped tea in an English garden; and then again it seems certain that she is German.
       Her hair is done just as Great-grandfather Sheperdson's favorite cousin, Evelyn Milliard, used to do hers more than eighty years ago. It lies flat on the crown of her head and ends in thick curls at the nape of her neck. Small curls that look almost like sideburns are brushed forward on her temples.
       The colors in Evelyn's calico dress are somewhat like those in a Paisley shawl. The main color is sort of a brick-red with a little blue, black and white.
       Evelyn's stockings are a deep rose. There is a pretty design worked on the front of each stocking. Her high lace shoes are made of blue leather. There are little blue tassels on the shoes.
       Evelyn must have spent a great deal of time out-of-doors for the skin on her hands is exactly like brown leather.
       Evidently she is fond of flowers, for she has picked a small bunch of wild cherry blossoms.

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