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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Make a traditional wooden rocker for a Barbie...

       This traditional clothespin rocker is large enough for dolls measuring 10, 11 and 12 inches tall. It is made from spring clothespins. However, you must separate the springs from the wooden parts before assembling these with hot glue. You may use wood glue alternatively but then you will also need small clamps to hold the parts in place while these dry and also a bucket load of patience! 

Above, you can see that I painted our clothespin rocker green after allowing for the hot glue to
cure over night. On the right I have included a couple of our
Fashionistas to give readers an idea of scale.

Examine the Photographs:

Above are views of the traditional clothespin rocking chair from the front, side and back. Look
at the photos carefully to determine how many pins you will need and where to glue these 
together. Click on the photo to see the photos close up.

Above is the rocker from beneath and right is the detail of the rocker's feet.

Left, the rocking chair from the side and right, the doll seated inside the rocker.

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