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Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Flower Children

A flower, a child, and a mother's heart-
These three are never so far apart.
A child, a flower, and a mother's love-
This world's best gifts from the world above.

       "All children are flowers in the garden of God's love. A flower is the mystical counterpart of a child. To the understanding heart a child is a flower and a flower is a child. God made flowers on the day that He gave the world children to play amid the flowers. God has implanted in the breasts of children a natural love for flowers- and no one who keeps that love in his heart has entirely forsaken the land of childhood.
       In preparing this book the author and the artist have attempted to show the kinship of children and flowers, and it is their hope that the little ones into whose hands this volume comes will find herein the proof that their knowledge of what flowers really are is true and that their love for the friendly blossoms is returned many-fold.
       To you, then, little child-flowers, this book is lovingly offered as an expression of thankfulness to children for the joy and sweetness with which they have filled my life." Elizabeth Gordon

Crocus * Trailing Arbutus * Daffodil * Hyacinth * Pussy Willow * Primrose * Dandelion * Windflower * Anemones * Lilac * Trillium and Tiger Lily * Pansies * Johnnie-Jump-Up * Lady's Slipper * Violet * Cowslip * Mignonette * Apple Blossom * Daisy * Four-Leafed Clover * Buttercup * Forget-Me-Not * Pink * Bouncing Betty * Morning Glory * Honeysuckle * Wild Rose * Columbine * Blue-eyed Grass * Nasturtium *  Briar-Rose * Bluebell * Geranium * Sweet Alyssum * Blue-eyed Flax * Bleeding Heart * Sweet Pea * Snap Dragon * Ragged Robin * Yarrow Pink * Iris * Peony * Babe Verbena * Maidenhair * Sweet William * Four-O'Clock * Twinflower * Milkweed * Candytuft * Jack Rose * Water Lily * Cocks Comb * Ghost Flower * Golden Rod * Dahlia * California Poppy * Corn Flower * Cat Tail * Prince's Feather * Crimson Rambler * Sage *  Golden-Glow * Bachelor Button * Sunflower * Hollyhock * Zinnia * Bitter Sweet * Black-eyed Susan * Nightshade * Gentian * Scarlet Poppy * Mullein * Thistle * Wild Cucumber * Burdock * China Aster * Chrysanthemum * Poison Ivy * Poinsettia * Holly * The American Beauty Rose * 

Sometimes I will include posts under the above theme that are not a part of the original pages by Elizabeth Gordon but these do have similar content:  Foxglove *

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