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Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Robin

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.

       Just right, is the Robin illustration and verse. You can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for your dolls. Simply drag each picture into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge.

"Cheer Up, cheer up, it's going to rain,"
Sang plump Sir Robin, "but 'tis plain
We need some moisture for the ground,
So dinners may be better found."

Additional Authors:


       Cock Robin, Jenny Wren and little Miss Longtailed Tit started out one day in search of adventures, and as they flew from place to place they talked a good deal about bravery. Robin laughed because Jenny Wren shivered when a boy aimed at her with a sling-shot, and again when Miss Longtailed Tit cried because she came near being caught in a trap. "I am afraid of nothing," he boasted.
       "Not even of a cat? " said Jenny Wren.
       "Cat! - no," answered Robin, "not even of a cat. To prove it 'to you, let's go to call on Tom Tabbie; he lives close by."
       Tom saw them coming and, peeping out from where he was lying, said, "Good morning, my little dears; I've got my eye on you!"
       Somehow or other, the sight of that one big, bold eye terrified the
birds so much that they flew for their lives. As soon as they were at a safe distance, Jenny Wren said, with a twinkle in her eye, "I thought, Mr. Robin, you weren't afraid of anything?"
       "No, and I'm not, either," boasted Robin (for now that he was at a safe distance" he could be brave again), "only I thought from the look in Tom's eye that he might want to fight with me, and then he might get hurt, and just think of how badly his mother would feel!"
       But the other birds only laughed. Henry Altemus Company.
       Below is a Robin and Dandelion decorative template for a window design. Students may print and color their own tracings of this pattern to craft lovely pictures for their windows at school or home. Use a transparent tape to adhere their crafts gently to the windows.

The above pattern includes a Robin and dandelions. Find another here
with blooming branches.

More About The Robin:

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