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Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Wren

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls.
Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the Wren's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Said busy little Jenny Wren:
"I like to live where there are men;
I come each year to the same place
So I can see some friendly face."

Additional Authors:
       "I wish you would not wake me up at dawn with your stupid song," said the Sparrow to the Wren, " If you were a great musician it would be different, but no one would miss your silly twittering if you were dumb."
       "Ah, well," said the Wren. "He who taught me to sing would miss it perhaps, even amongst the angels' songs in heaven, and I think the dawn is the fittest time to thank God for the new day."
       "I never thought of that," said the Sparrow, "perhaps I shall love your song now that I have learnt its meaning. I think it is easy to forgive when one understands." Henry Altemus Company.
Lined up to sing at dawn, Sparrow begins to argue with Wren.

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