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Friday, May 12, 2023

The Rooster

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls
Assemble a mini doll sized book: Left, is the Rooster's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Sir Rooster is a noisy chap,
He wakes you from your morning nap;
He sleeps but little all night through,
Crows at eleven, one and two.

"He (or she) flew the coop!" is an idiom that refers to either the escape or general departure of someone.

Additional Authors:


       "This is a good place to take a nap," said Mr. Rooster, as he stepped onto a nice hard object in the Farmyard. So he perched there on one leg and shut his eyes. But after a while the Turtle woke up and walked away, and the Rooster was upset. "Well," said he, as he picked himself up and looked around, " who would ever think a stone could come to life! A queer world this is, to be sure! Henry Altemus Company.

Additional Links to Articles/Crafts/Videos About Roosters:

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