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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Yellow Ducklings

Assemble a mini doll sized book: Below, is the Ducklings illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the bird illustrations and verse from "Bird Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

Collect all pages-cleaned and sized to make a miniature
book for your dolls

Said Yellow Duckling to his brother:
"Come on, let's hide away from mother,"
But he replied: ' Oh, dear me. No!
We 'd better not, she 'd worry so."

"Like a duck to water" is an idiom that means - something comes naturally to a person or animal or they or it doesn't struggle to accomplish something...

"Getting your ducks in row" is an idiom that means to prioritize and organize something...

Additional Authors:


       "Come along, children, I'll take you to the pond in the orchard, and you shall have your first lesson in swimming," said Madame Duck one fine morning to her youngsters.
       So the whole family waddled oft to the orchard, and were soon swimming about in the cold water.
       "Isn't it lovely!" exclaimed one of the little ducklings, excitedly.
       "Much nicer than expected," said another.
       "Aren't you glad we're little ducks, and not silly little chickens?" said a third. "Mother says they are actually afraid of the water!"
       "I think it is delicious," added a fourth, shaking his wings and sending the water splashing over the others," and I'm going to stay here for hours and hours."
       "Shall we have a race to the other side?" suggested one of the babies, after a while.
       All the others agreed that a race would be great fun, and away they started, and were just half way across when Madame Duck called them to her, and said it was quite time to leave the pond and come home.
       So away they went across the field to the farmyard, where dinner was ready and waiting for them.
       "I am sure you will all be ready for something to eat after your two lessons," said Madame Duck, with a smile. Henry Altemus Company.
A Big Hatching of Ducklings
"My gracious, what a funny noise!
I believe there is more than one!"
Then crackle, crackle, goes the shell.
Ah, now we shall see some fun!

Then out there popped a duckling's head.
And then came number two;
They counted till they could not count.
We leave the rest to you. 

Additional Content About Ducklings:

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