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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Mother Earth's Children

cover of "Mother Earth's Children"

   "A seed, little friends, is really a plant or a tree all wrapped up in a little brown bundle. If you plant it in the ground it will grow, and when it is old enough it will bear fruit, because God has made it so."

   "Among all the children of Mother Nature, the fruits and vegetables are probably the most useful to us. Wherever we may go some of these little people are there before us, ready to help us by giving food and to make life easy and joyous for us."

   "In your Mother's garden you will always find many familiar friends; in the fields the graceful Grain children will nod and beckon to you; in the orchard the Fruit children will peep out at you from their leafy homes; along the roadside the happy little Berries will give you a friendly greeting, and in the forest you will find the little wild Grapes climbing trees and playing hide and seek with the Bird Children."

       The following fruit and vegetable dolls are loosely based upon the illustrations and poems of M. T. Ross and Elizabeth Gordon's book. Photographs of them will be included as the dolls are completed by artist kathy grimm.

Apple  * Artichoke  *  Asparagus  * Banana  *  Barley  *   Beechnut * Beet * Blackberry
Blueberry * Brussel Sprout and Horseradish * Button Mushrooms  * Cabbage * Cactus * Caraway * Carrageen * Carrots * Cashew * Cauliflower * Cherries * Chestnut * Chicory * CitronCotton * Cranberry * Cucumber * Currants * Egg Plant * Endive and Celery * Fig * Garlic * Gooseberry * Gourd * Grapefruit  * Green Pea * Gumbo (Okra) * Hickory NutHubbard Squash * Lemon * Lettuce * Muskmelon * Mustard * Nutmeg * Olive * Orange * Oyster Plant * Parsley * Parsnip * Peach * Peanut * Pear * Pearl Onion * Persimmon * Pineapple * Plum * Pomegranate * Popcorn * Potato * Pumpkin * Quince * Radish and Green Onion * Raspberry * Red & Green Pepper * Rhubarb * Rice * Rutabaga Turnip * Scotch Oat * Spanish Onion * Spinach * String Bean * St. John's Bread * Sugar Cane * Summer Squash and Marrow * Tomato * Truffle * Water Cress * Watermelon * Wheat * White Turnip * Wild Grape * Wild Strawberry * Yam

Sometimes I will include posts under the above theme that are not a part of the original pages by Elizabeth Gordon but do have similar content: Corn * Acorn

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