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Thursday, July 6, 2023


The Pumpkin children, every one,
On Hallowe'en go out for fun;
With Jack o'lantern and his crew
The find such jolly things to do.
       Assemble a mini doll sized book: Right, is the pumpkin's illustration and verse. Visitors can collect all the vegetable illustrations and verse from "Mother Earth's Children" to print and construct a small book of verse for their dolls. Simply drag each png. into a Word Document, print, cut out all of the images the same size and staple the pages together at the left edge. Squeeze out some white school glue along the stapled edge of the pages and attach a cardboard cover.

More About Pumpkins:
 Jack O' Lanterns
      "The children planted pumpkin seeds early in the season and hoed and cared for the vines themselves, that they might have their own pumpkins for Halloween, and what fun they had with them! And how delightfully scarey they were, when made into Jack O' Lanterns! Some one said they were pumpkin ghosts.
      Two dreadful ones were placed on the gate posts to frighten Papa when he came home after dark. He guessed right away who had put them there.
      Others were carried about on poles with sheets hanging about them, in solemn procession.
      Not all of the pumpkins were used for Jack O'Lanterns, though. Some were given to Mamma to make into delicious pumpkin pies. Poor little Tom ate too much of the pies and his greediness made him have frightful dreams and a terrible pain in his stomach.
      The verses Cousin Charlotte and the others made about his dream made greedy Tom feel very much ashamed." Margret Walker.
Jack O' Lantern Dreams
Once a greedy little boy  
Ate too much pumpkin pie at night,
And the awful dreams he had
Made his hair stand up in fright.

Dreadful grinning pumpkin faces
Crowded all around his bed,
And every grinning pumpkin face
Showed a fire inside the head.

"We are ghosts," the faces shouted,
"Of the pumpkins in those pies,
If you had not been so greedy,
We would not before you rise.''

Then the dreadful firelit faces
Faded slowly out of sight.
But the awful pain inside him
Lasted nearly all the night.

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