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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Craft a 3 Layered Monster Halloween Cake!

A 3 layer Monster cake with eyeballs and dripping icing...
       If your caps are small enough, this fun Halloween cake craft can be made to also fit under the dome of a plastic wine glass cake stand. Click here to see how you can make one of these to display this cake.

Supply List:

  • scrap cardboard
  • tacky white glue
  • hot glue and hot glue gun
  • wiggly eyes
  • puff paints: purple, brown and white
  • acrylic paints: orange, green and tan
  • 3 recycled caps different sizes
  • masking tape
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Take the three recycled caps, and hot glue them in a stack, making sure the largest is at the bottom, then the middle that is just a little bit smaller in the center of the stack and at the top should be the smallest of the three.
  2. Cover the caps with masking tape.
  3. Place the stack of cake shapes on top of a scrap piece of cardboard and trace around it to mark where you will cut out the bottom of the cake.
  4. Glue this shape using tacky glue, on to the bottom of the stack to seal the hole. Let dry.
  5. Paint the cake stack using orange, green and tan.
  6. Glue on the wiggly eyes where ever you would like to include them using hot glue.
  7. Squeeze out puff paint icing, dripping over some of the edges of the cake. Use a chocolatey brown, purple and white puff paint colors. Let dry.

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