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Monday, September 18, 2023

Rose shaped cupcakes with red and blue icing...

Finished blue and red iced cupcakes for our doll's
kitchen collection.

      I shaped these blue and red cupcakes for 18" dolls using both a thimble and a child's toy mold. Then I stuck the bottom and top together gently and baked them in the oven at 275 degrees until they hardened. 
       I painted the bottom halves using several layers of brown with a dry brush. After the bottoms dried, red and blue iced rosettes were painted using the same acrylic paints. I felt that a bit more polish and height was needed so I squeezed out some blue and red puff paints to accentuate the icing more and let the paints dry...

Young students may wish to make replacement cupcakes for those they
loose during play. Above are examples of cupcakes molded from
thimbles and toy molds, unpainted.

More Red and Blue Deserts:

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