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Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Story of A Blue China Plate: Poem

color printable of Blue China Plate poem

 Ye, Story of A Blue China Plate
There was a Cochin Chinaman,
Whose name it was Ah-Lee,
And the fame was just as fine a man
As you could to wish to see,
For he was rich and strong,
And his queue was extra long,
And he lived on rice and fish and chiccory. 

Which he had a lovely daughter,
And her name was Mai-Ri-An,
And the youthful Wang who sought her
Hand was but a poor young man;
So her haughty father said,
"You shall never, never wed
Such a pauper as this penniless young man!"

So the daughter and her lover,
They eloped one summer day,
Which Ah-Lee he did discover,
And pursued without delay;
But the goddess Loo, I've heard,
Changed each lover to a bird,
And from the bad Ah-Lee they flew away.

Ah-me! Ah-Lee; the chance is,
That we all of us may know
Of unpleasant circumstances
We would like to stay, but oh!
The inevitable things
Will take unto them wings,
And will fly where we may never hope to go.
I would further like to state,
That the tale which I relate,
You can see on any plate
That was made in Cochin China years ago.

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