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Thursday, April 18, 2024

One-Color Effects For Dollhouse Decor

        Designing dollhouse rooms with monochromatic color choices is just one method to ensure that items like carpets and rugs, wallpaper and paint, and upholstery and pillows all coordinate in good taste. Below, paintings by Charles Webb demonstrate the same den/family room space in five distinct singular colors: yellow, green, red, blue and brown.

Left, green is the color of choice.  Right, yellow is the main color used for the same space.

Left, if the same den was made over in red; this may be how it could look. Center, here the
 one-color selected is blue. Right, how does the room look with everything in brown?

       Did you know that people have been attaching meanings to color forever it seems? Below are some of the customary feelings attached to colors in rooms, although I don't believe that these attributes are always legitimate. There are many more experiences unique to people's lives that can affect the way they feel about color. It is best in the long run to make selections based upon what you have and what pleases you. At the end of the day, a dollhouse is a personal space and every dollhouse should reflect the person designing it.

  • Red - means stimulation to some - irritation to others
  • Yellow - means irradiating cheer and vivacity - yet your neighbor's complexton may not harmonize!
  • Blue - the color of purity and peace - yet some claim it depresses.
  • Green - is for tranquility, as in the cool shade of foliage and field
  • Brown - suggests a cozy comfort in the living-room. Which color do you like best?

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