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Wednesday, April 17, 2024


by George Cooper

Play you were a princess,
And this was your diamond throne
Play I was a fairy--
''That is the truth, my own!''

Play you were a giant,
And I was a poor lost girl;
Play this was your castle;
''Think I could harm one curl?''

Play this was my carriage,
And I was a lady grand;
Play that was a ball room:
''Lady, I kiss your hand!''

Play the sun was a kite,
And this was the yellow string;
Play I was a robin;
''Sing, little birdie, sing?''

Play you were a shepherd,
And searching with weary feet;
Play I was your lambkin;
''Come to your fold, my sweet!''

Soon eyelids are drooping,
And that was a sigh, so deep;
Play this was the night ma:
And play I had gone to sleep!

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