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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Toys For A Doll's Preschool

        I have found these clever little toys in dollar bins or less than five dollar bins of stores like Target, Michaels, Hobby Lobby and Walmart. They are perfect for dressing up a dolly daycare center.

Toy ark includes: lion, elephant, hippo, giraffe, penguin and a crocodile. There should be two of 
every animal but there isn't in this set. Penny shows the size comparisons.

       The toy above is a Noah's Ark, painted wood with cheerful animal characters. The is a long tradition of toys made in this country based upon this Biblical theme. Long ago, people referred to them as ''Sunday Toys.'' These toys were only played with quietly on Sunday and were somehow related to Bible stories for children to be taught and remembered.

Miniature building blocks com in red, green, blue, yellow and purple colors. Penny for size 

This is a teething toy for a real-life baby.
       Above are adorable examples of connecting building ''blocks.'' Small plastic shapes that fit together, not very block-like, but still a wonderful toy to make all kinds of displays for dolls to admire.
       Just right, is a teething toy meant to be given a real life baby in a carriage or play-pen to both amuse and entertain them. This kind of nursery toy may be used as a play floor-mat inside of a doll's preschool.

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