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Friday, June 28, 2024

''Which Way To Go?'' Signs for Camp

These hand-crafted, rustic signs help our dolls find their way around camp.

        Every doll camp needs to be somewhat organized. So, we made signs to help dolls find their way around the camp. The design is typical of those found in real summer camps. Each drift wood sign is mounted to a 'pole' or 'tree stump' and text is written in our case but at a real camp it would be carved into the sign and outlined with paint.

Left signs read, Bathhouse and Lake
Center signs read, Camp Office, Lodge, Cabins
Right signs read, Mess Hall, First Aid and Chape
Supply List:

  • for each sign, two large tongue depressors
  • masking tape
  • white school glue
  • faux wood paper
  • bag of pieces of driftwood (from Dollar store)
  • hot glue gun and hot glue
  • pencil and permanent ink marker
  • Mod Podge
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Cut the ends of two tongue depressors into ''V'' shapes so that these may be poked into the ground later as you set up your doll camp outside.
  2. Glue the depressors together for strength. Wrap masking tape around these while they are drying to prevent warping. You may remove the tape later if you wish. I left it on because I chose to decoupage these 'stakes' with faux wood paper.
  3. At this early stage you can remove the tape and paint the wooden stakes or decoupage the wood grain paper on leaving approximately two inches bare wood at bottom. This will not be seen as it is inserted into the ground.
  4. First using pencil, then permanent marker to trace, write the locations of different stations/buildings onto the drift wood pieces and small arrow pointing in the direction where these places are located.
  5. Mount the signs onto the tongue depressor poles using hot glue. Apply pressure with your finger tips for  30 seconds allowing for the hot glue to dry and hold the wooden pieces in place.

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