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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Ancient Dolls of Japan: Costume Dolls

       The fuzoku ningyo, (in English means costume dolls) showing men's and women's costumes or fashions of the various periods, first' made their appearance in the Genroku period (1688-1703), and have been made ever since; they are being: made today. Those in the following group are of the Genroku period.

        Five Costume Dolls: Two of them figures of samurai, seated in Japanese fashion on their heels and suggesting somewhat a kneeling position, one a young man, the other an older one, somewhat bent, both dressed in a dotted cotton material and each with his two swords under his arm. The other three are guardians of the imperial palace, the highest in rank being a noble who has the privilege of looking upon the emperor's face; he wears an eboshi (cap of ancient form) with two plumes, carries a sword and is gowned in brocade. Next in rank is a samurai who attends in the palace gardens but may not enter the palace or see the emperor's face; he is clad in satin, and here has but one sword, but may have had another, perhaps a short sword in his belt. The third is a samurai of lower rank, who wears a striped silk coat and his two swords, and carries a sounding implement used to announce the coming of processions - a sort of drum major, only that his baton is not mute ; when he drops the butt to the ground the rings at the head make a sound.

       Gonin Bayashi, with Screen (musicians, all About 1750) In silk brocade costumes of various soft colors, each player on a separate black lacquer stand. The screen, - properly called a fusuma, representing the interior doors of a house, instead of being a typical screen, - is of the Kano School, and pictures a  landscape with waterfall, cherry and plum trees in blossom, and peacocks among peonies in luxuriant bloom, in delicately toned colors on a gold ground. Height of screen. 14 1/2 inches; length, 40 1/4 inches.

The Doll Collection of Huguette Clark - Japanese Dolls and Dollhouses.

Ancient Dolls of Japan: Palace Dolls, Costume Dolls, Warrior DollsFestival DollsClay and Wooden Dolls, and Mechanical Dolls

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