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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Ancient Dolls of Japan: March Festival Dolls

        SANGATSU HINAN1NGYO: MARCH FESTIVAL DOLLS: The dolls in the following photos, were made for the March Doll Festival, held each year on March 3, the greatest doll festival celebrated in Japan, of very ancient beginning, and particularly for girls. The first two groups are known as tachi hina ningyo, "standing dolls" (though they do not stand up) they are without arms or legs, and are of primitive design, being of a type originally made of paper, though these are more elaborate and are made of rich stuffs. The third lot represents a prince and princess and are known as nairi hina ningyo, each representing an emperor and empress, the name being derived from the extreme, innermost seclusion in which in ancient days the emperor and empress kept themselves. 

       Two Imperial Dolls, with Screen: (About 1790) An emperor and empress seated, on the miza (dais), before a gold screen. These dolls were made by the imperial doll maker and dressed by the young women of the court from their own materials. The emperor wears a black lacquer eboshi (cap), and a robe of white silk ornamented with conventional medallions in pale purple. His under robes are also of white and purple silks. He holds in his right hand a shaku (scepter) of hinoki wood. The empress wears the traditional manifold garments of ladies of rank in Japan, in this case to the number of nine; seven of them are of plain white silk, under one of white silk embossed in a swastika-lattice pattern, outside which is an external robe of state of orange-brown silk adorned in salmon-pink and silvery white, with floral scroll patterns and conventional medallions. She wears also the hinohakama (red skirt) equally characteristic of the apparel of all ladies of rank. She carries a decorated fan made of hinoki wood, and wears a metallic hair ornament. The screen is in six folds, decorated in color with flying howo birds and floral sprays. Height of emperor, on stand, 20 inches; of empress, 18 inches. Height of screen, 23 1/2 inches; length, 54 l/2 inches.

        Two Imperial Dolls, with Screen: (About 1700) Standing figures of an emperor and empress, on silk brocade mats. It may be pointed out that among nairi dolls - these representatives of imperial seclusion - while many seated figures are seen, standing figures - real standing dolls - are very uncommon. The emperor is in full imperial robes, the outer garments being rich and soft white silk brocades. He wears a long sword of curved blade, with a white fish-skin grip and nashiji lacquer scabbard, and the gyokwan or plumed hat. On the empress's head is a hokwan (treasure hat), surmounted by a flying bird. She wears the full set of twelve garments, or layers of apparel, prescribed through the long succession of Japanese empresses for the state dress, the same number worn by the present Empress of Japan on the occasion of the recent coronation. The principal outer coat, on the doll, is a peculiar brocade in a rich and soft-toned green. The screen, in six folds, is of the Kano School of the same period as the dolls, and displays on a gold ground color paintings of peach, plum, pink and peony sprays, and flying phoenixes, or howo birds, with a sprig of iris aloft. The back is painted with a weeping willow, and a figure astride a hobby horse. Height of dolls, 17 1/2 inches and 17 inches; of screen, 23 1/2 inches: length of screen, 5 1/2 inches. 

Four Imperial Dolls and Palace (About 1725) An imperial family in the goten (palace); the emperor and empress made and clothed by the imperial doll maker, the Crown Prince and Princess made by him but dressed by young ladies of the court. The emperor's costume is principally of white and golden yellow brocades, the empress's principally green, white and red, the green outer robe ornamented with medallions of rose, yellow and white. The prince and princess are in yellow with blue ornamentation. The palace is of mulberry wood and was made in 1856 for the noble family who then owned the dolls. It has bamboo curtains with silk tassels, and at either side edo, or wing-doors, ornamented in relief with blooming chrysanthemums. It is so constructed as to be easily taken down and put up. Heights of dolls, 9 inches to 13 inches; height of palace, 28 inches; depth, 22 inches; length, 5 feet 7 inches.

Do you know what is Hina Matsuri in Japan?
English sub-titles.

More About Girl's Day: 

Ancient Dolls of Japan: Palace DollsCostume DollsWarrior Dolls, Festival Dolls, Clay and Wooden Dolls, and Mechanical Dolls

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