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Monday, February 13, 2023

A frosted cupcake Valentine mailbox craft...

A giant doll sized cupcake with a hollow interior makes is a fun container for our 18" doll
Valentines. However, it looks like the slot was not made large enough for all Valentine offerings!

       What a yummy way to collect all the Valentines our doll friends will share at their school party this February. We especially love the glittery cherry on top of this soft, fluffy cotton icing! And... the use of a cupcake liner to cover this tube shaped box is very clever. Almost just as clever as the use of them when another doll added fins to her fish container. (here)

  Supply List:

  • two white cotton balls
  • paper egg carton
  • paper toilet roll (recycled)
  • one sparkly foam ball for cherry
  • one Valentine themed cupcake liner
  • whited school glue
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Cut a clean toilet paper roll in half. This will be the cake part of your mailbox.
  2. Cut out a dome shaped pocket from the recycled egg carton. Note. you will need to cut two and piece them together with tape and glue to make a whole rounded top for the icing on the cupcake.
  3. Cut a long, narrow opening for the cards and letters. 
  4. Cut a round whole from the top for the cherry to rest on.
  5. Glue the cake tube to the inside top of the paper dome. Let dry.
  6. Glue on the cupcake liner around the edge of your cupcake shaped box. Fold the excess inside the tube to make a clean edge. I didn't close up the tube with a bottom. This allows easy access to the cards.
  7. Glue down the sparkly foam ball on top of the cupcake mailbox. This is the cherry on top.
  8. Unravel two white cotton balls and glue this around the dome for the vanilla icing on your Valentine cupcake mailbox. Remember not to cover up the mailbox slot for letters!

 More little Valentine verses for the inside of your doll's letters.

"Saint Valentine may have his darts
And all his crimson satin hearts
With every lover's knot of blue
If he will only give me you!"

To My Sweet Valentine
"I like your nose,
I like your clothes,
I like the way you turn your toes
When you go out a-walking.

I like your eyes,
All sweet surprise
They tell of love that never dies,
When to me they're a-talking."

Make Edible Cupcakes Too:
You can cast a vote for this Valentine mailbox entry in the Comments Box Below, if you'd like. It would be interesting to see if people/kids on the internet judge our doll's Valentine mailbox competition in the same way as the children judging them in our home.

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