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Friday, May 5, 2023

The Bird Children . . .

cover illustration "Bird Children"
       Each of the following birds has a poem by Elizabeth Gordon and will have at least one example of paper doll printable, coloring page,  or a doll craft based upon drawings by M. T. Ross or the bird type by the time the posts are finished. I will also include short stories and poems by additional authors about the same birds on each post as I find these, clean and transcribe . . . 
       Both the author and illustrator from the antique book "Bird Children" wrote the following forward:
        "Birds are only another expression of God's love, and we are told that not even a sparrow shall fall to the ground without the notice of the Father.
       Birds are poetry come to life and set to music. If you should stand at the edge of a forest at sundown and hear the birds singing their good-night songs, hear the sleepy little notes grown fainter and fainter until the silence came, -then when the dusk had deepened, you should hear the night birds begin their plaintive songs, you would realize what a different place our beautiful world would be without birds.
       Even in great cities we have always some birds. The saucy little sparrow, who comes so boldly begging crumbs at your window, likes the cities best.
       Only very thoughtless people, or those who do not understand, would harm or frighten a bird.
       They are real little people, and I am sure that when you have come to know them you will love them as much as you have learned to love the Flower Children.
       The publishers and the author have received so many letters from parents commending Flower Children for its instructive features, and from children, demanding "more" delightful playmates, that they offer "Bird Brothers and Sisters," believing that "The playmates of the Flower Children" will prove as welcome visitors as "The Little Cousins of the Fields and Garden."
       The author and the artist wish to thank the children for their many expressions of interest and for their loyal support." Elizabeth Gordon and M. T. Ross

Albatross * Goldfinch * Ostrich * Starling * American Redstart * Snow Goose * Parrakeet * Stork * Baltimore Oriole * Gosling * Partridge * Stormy Petrel * Barn OwlGray Parrot * PeacockSwanBarn Swallow   *  Green Jay  *   Pelican   *   Turkey  *  Black Bird  *  Guinea Hen   *    Penguin   *   Turkey BuzzardBlue Heron *   Hen  *  Phoebe Bird  * Vermilion Flycatcher * Blue Jay * Indigo BuntingPuffin  *  Whip-Poor-Will * Bluebird  *  Ivory-Billed Woodpecker * Purple Martin *   Wood-Pecker  *  Bob-O-Link * Jenny Wren  *  Quail  * Yellow Warbler  *  Brown Thrasher * King Bird  *  Red Paradise BirdCanary Bird  * Kingfisher *   Red-Shafted Flicker  *   Cardinal Bird  * Laughing Gull  *  Robin  * CassowaryLeast Sandpiper  *     Rook  *  Catbird  *   Long-Billed Curlew  *  Rooster   *   Chickadee  *  Loon * Roseate Spoonbill * Cockatoo * Lyre Bird * Ruby-Throated Humming Bird  *   Cow-Bird   *    Magpie *   Scarlet Flamingo   *   Crested Flycatcher   *    Mallard DuckScarlet Ibis  *   Crow  *  Meadow Lark  *   Screech Owl Cuckoo  *  Mocking Bird  *  Sea Dove  * DucklingsMourning Dove  *   Snow Bird  *  Eave Swallow  *  Night Hawk   * Golden Eagle  * Nightingale   *  Snowy Heron  *   Golden Pheasant  * Orchard Oriole   *    Sparrow  * Father and Mother Goose

About the Author(s) and Illustrator:

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