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Scarlet Flamingo said: "Just think!"
I really thought this gown was pink,
But when you see it in this light,
It's red- I fear it's rather bright."
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Have you never wondered how the Flamingo came to have such long legs? Well, this is how it might have came about, although you needn't believe the story unless you want to. If you don't think you ought to believe it, then you may think of it as you do of the fairy tales- that it
is good enough to be true, anyhow. There was a time, then, when the Flamingoes had ordinary sized legs, and this was all very well until they thought they should learn to dance. But Professor Toucan, who tried to teach them, playing the violin for them at the same time, said there was no use expecting to make dancers of them unless they could get longer legs.
How should they ever manage it? A grand ball had been planned by the Herons, and Madam Stork was to be the judge as to what birds should get the prizes for the best dancing. Of course she, being long-legged herself, would give the prize to a long-legged bird.
Fanny Flamingo was wondering how her family could get that prize one day as she walked through a field. Suddenly she came upon Mr. Rattlesnake, gulping and wriggling, with a big frog stuck in his throat. Now Fanny was kind-hearted, and in order to save Mr. Rattlesnake from choking to death, she grabbed the frog by a leg that was sticking out and swallowed him herself.
Well, Mr. Rattlesnake was so thankful that he said he would show the Flamingoes how to make their legs grow.
"I have a friend who will help me," said he. " He will take hold of your head while I will take hold of your feet; then we will wind ourselves around trees and he will pull one way while I pull the other. We will do this for an hour every day. See?"
This stretched their necks as well as their legs, but Mr. Rattlesnake said that would only balance matters, so they didn't mind.
How surprised the other birds were when the night of the great ball came and the Flamingo family strutted into the middle of. the floor. For they spread their legs so elegantly, and pointed their toes so
gracefully, and curled their legs over their heads so easily that everyone was charmed. Professor Toucan was almost wild with gladness, and so was Mr. Rattlesnake.
Of course they won the prize, and you couldn't find four happier birds that night than Fannie, Florence, Flossie and Flo Flamingo. Henry Altemus Company.
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