Thursday, November 16, 2017

One & One

One & One

Two little girls are better
than one;
Two little boys can double the fun;
Two little birds can build a fine
Two little arms can love mother
Two little ponies must go to a 
Two little pockets has my little 
Two little eyes to open and close,
Two little ears and one little nose,
Two little shoes on two little feet,
Two little lips and one little chin,
Two little cheeks with a rose
shut in,
Two little shoulders, chubby and strong,
Two little legs running all day long.
Two little prayers does my darling say,
Twice does he kneel by my side each day,--
Two little eyelids cast meekly down,--
And two little angels guard him in bed,
"One at the foot, and one at the head."

Sunday, October 22, 2017

This china doll loves large hats

Description of Coloring Page: ruffles, ribbons, curls, booties, old-fashioned cloths, Victorian playthings

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Color this baby wearing a christening gown

Description of Coloring Page: lace, pillow, baby doll, curly hair, child of God, promise, Christening doll, porcelain or china dolls

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

The Sand Man

The Sand Man

Oho! but he travels the country over,
The queer little, kind little, elfish rover!
Lightly he bears in his tricksome hand
A silvery horn full of sleepy sand,
Shaking it here, and shaking it there,
Till the blossoms nod in the drowsy air;
Till the sunlight creeps down hill to bed,
Or slips through the sky where clouds are red;
Till the lambkins bleat a soft "good-night!"
And birds grow still in the tree-tops bright,
While sweet little eyelids, all over the land,
Droop with the weight of the silvery sand.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Baby Steps

Baby Steps

One step--two step,
Three step--four.
Who says my baby
Can't travel the floor?
Five step--six step--
Seven step--eight!
Now shall my baby
Rest him in state!

Sleeping with her favorite doll

Description of Coloring Page: bed, sleep, night, doll, wooden chair, carved heart, bed curtains, pillows, linens, poster bed, mattress, nightgown, color children sleeping with their dolls

Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Story-Pictures in Your Child's Room

"Noah's Ark" by Edward Hicks, 1846. Also see "The Peaceable Kingdom"
restored here for a Doll Art Gallery or dollhouse.
       As soon as the child is capable of grasping a composition of more than one object, or to put it more psychologically, of relating the various elements of a composition, he is ready for story-pictures (visual narratives). These may be illustrative of a text, like subjects from the life of Christ; or anecdotes in themselves, like the old-time pictures by Wilkie. or, in our own day, those of Sir John E. Millais. The child's imagination is now keenly alive, and affords him his finest enjoyment. The story subjects he likes best are of course drawn from his own little world. A picture of mother and babe is a familiar nursery scene to him, and the world-old theme of the Madonna never loses its charm. Story-pictures in which children figure are of peculiar interest, just as children's books are largely tales of children's doings. A child with an animal is a delightful combination in a picture - a subject unhappily not easy to find in good art. Velasquez's "Prince Baltasar on his Pony" is perfect. What a pity to give a child "Can't You Talk?" when a masterpiece like that is available. Velasquez also painted his young prince with his dogs; and other portrait painters, notably Van Dyck and Reynolds, have turned out charming compositions of children with their animal pets. Little Miss Bowles hugging her spaniel is one of the most familiar of this happy company. The child John the Baptist and the Lamb was a subject several times repeated by Murillo in some excellent pictures. By the same painter is a lovely picture, in the Madrid gallery, of the Christ-child playing with St. John and the Lamb. Murillo also drew groups of children at play directly from the scenes of the street and market, full of story suggestion. This theme of children playing together, like that of children with animals, has not been nearly so often treated as we could expect or desire. One finds most examples perhaps in the English portrait school of the eighteenth century.

Arthur John Elsley paintings of childhood.