Thursday, April 30, 2020

Roll and Sew A Tiny Bedroll

The finished bedroll.

       To sew this little doll sized bedroll you will need: green felt scrap, plaid flannel scrap, plaid cotton ribbon, two tiny buttons, matching thread and needle.
       Cut pieces of felt and flannel 3"x5''.  Layer wrong sides together and sew a simple straight stitch around the edges leaving 1" opening. Turn the bedroll inside out and sew a whip stitch to close the opening. 
       Roll up the small blanket and use the same needle and thread to tack this shut. You may choose to roll the felt side in or the plaid flannel side in, which ever you prefer. 
       Attach an attractive ribbon around the bedroll and leave a loop for hanging. I also added tiny button details to my bedroll. 

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