If anything can add to a child's joy in owning a book it is these two things: to have her family and playmates know about it, and to stamp her book indelibly with the sign manual of possession. The latter, as a rule, consists of writing her name all over the inside cover.
With this pride of ownership in mind, and to encourage the young reader not only to care for her books, but to begin early to build up a little library of her own, I have prepared the following book plates below.
At a glance, one can understand a child's delight in pasting on the inside cover of her book one of these hall marks of ownership--a card announcing to her world--"this book is mine."
The plates encourage neatness. They do away with soiled pencil script and names scrawled much too large for the space. Besides giving to the child an individual design each plate has space for a printed name and a small illustration to give it unique identity in the home.
A little child reads her book (book plate).
"The guardians of books" book plate.
"The Land of Nod" book plate.
"The Princess Palace" book plate.
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