Thursday, May 26, 2022

Paper dolls for the sewing basket...

        These charming little paper ladies will keep your laces and ribbons neat and tidy inside of your sewing stash. Whether in a basket, on a shelf, or in a display cabinet, you can craft many Victorian paper ladies to wrap old laces and ribbons about. 
       To make the following paper dolls you will need: cardboard, scrapbook papers, wooden craft sticks, white school glue, Victorian scraps of ladies, and Mod Podge.

 Print out the Victorian scraps, cut and paste these to covered cardboard skirts and select your very
 best trims to treasure until these are needed for the next sewing project! We store them in a vintage
suitcase when they are not on display. See a printable sewing doll pattern here that hold safety pins.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Print out Victorian ladies, half torso or shoulder length from on your home computer.
  2. Cut and set aside.
  3. Now draft a simple long skirt pattern for these ladies. 
  4. Trace around the pattern onto cardboard and cut as many as you need for your lace and ribbon collections.
  5. I glued a wooden craft stick to the bottom of my cardboard skirts to give the paper dolls added strength for wear. 
  6. Using the white school glue, paste the decorative papers on top of the skirts.
  7. Glue on a Victorian scrap lady to each skirt.
  8. Seal the surfaces, if you like, with Mod Podge. (Optional step.)
  9. Now you can wrap your ribbon and laces about these vintage looking paper dolls to keep them organized, untangled and clean.

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