Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Doll Named After an Empress

       This stylish lady came from France long ago. It was when Eugenie was empress of that country and she is named for the empress. She brought a trunkful of clothes with her. The tiny garments were made as carefully as though they had been made for Empress Eugenie herself. There is little doubt but what Eugenie's gowns were made by a skillful doll dressmaker. All well-to-do dolls had their own dressmakers in those days.
       Eugenie had many accessories, too. She had a black, silk sunshade trimmed with lace, an ermine collarette and muff, a pair of kid gloves and a gold locket and chain.
       Poor little lady, out of all that finery she has but two outfits left. Two outfits, her kid gloves and her gold chain and locket. The locket is just the size of a baby's finger nail, yet it opens like a big locket.
       Eugenie's bonnet is shaped like a triangle. Made of blue velvet and trimmed with cream-colored lace, it ties under the chin with narrow, narrow ribbons.
       Eugenie wears white stockings that have the feet shaped by hand. Her high shoes have gold buttons. The shoes are hand sewn and are marked "Paris" on the bottom of the soles.
       Eugenie's head is covered with a mass of curls. These look as though they were curled around a slate pencil. Not one of the ringlets has come uncurled in all of these years. Evidently Eugenie had a permanent wave that was permanent.

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