Thursday, August 8, 2019

Girls of Faith Dolls

       The Girls of Faith dolls was a line of Christian doll characters developed by Sara McCord of North Carolina in 2010. Each character came with a doll and book introducing little girls to faith based play. Do to the complications in manufacturing during Covid the company was forced to put the reissue of the original first three dolls aside. Read their story here.

 The Girls of Faith Dolls Include three religious character dolls:
  1. Hannah Olivia Patterson's Bible and Cultural Artifacts about Miracles
  2. Kayla Newman's Bible and Cultural Artifacts about Missions
  3. Audrey Thompson's Bible and Cultural Artifacts about Sharing The Love of Jesus - Below are sample artifacts teachers may use to help students develop research for a lapbook assignment based upon Audrey.
Opening Audrey Thompson doll with Rilyn Dinyae.

Audrey Reaches Out Book Cover.
      Read about the adventures of a third grade girl, Audrey Thompson, who attends a small church school with her siblings. Audrey loves winter fun activities and making new friends. 
      But not everything in Audrey's life is peaceful and ideal. She learns how to show gentleness to a new girl at school and must gain this young stranger's confidence through persistence and bravery.  

"Because Audrey reached out to Trina, Trina's life and Aunt Nell's life were truely changed. They all spent many happy times together, with Bear and Angel too. This experience not only changed the lives of Trina and Aunt Nell, but also Adrey's life as well. Jesus had given Audrey the courage to reach out and share her faith. In the process, she learned some wonderful things about Jesus and how much He deeply cares for all people." Sheri Baker and Sara McCord

Our Artifacts for Themes Covered in Audrey Thompson's Book:
Online Research for Girl of Faith Audrey Thompson:
The Snow Day:
Starting All Over Again:
How Children Learn To Mourn:
Lost In The Woods: 
Believing Is Seeing:
The True Love of Dogs: Fun Video About Man's Best Friend!

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