Monday, July 22, 2024

Cut a foam hand mit for your doll's school spirit!

Finished and ready for game night.
       When attending a sporting event, you can take a doll to cheer on your favorite team using the following hand mit. 
       Just wrap a bit of masking tape around the doll's hand to help her hold her own foam hand mit and your good to go!

Craft Supply:
  • foam sheets in the colors of your team
  • printable to trace around pattern (below)
  • tacky white craft glue
  • permanent ink marker
  • Popsicle sticks
  • cardboard scraps

 Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. First you will need a hand pattern with the pointing finger up, representing the ''#1.'' There is one below that I have drawn. Click on the photo and trace around the hand shape lightly with a pencil.
  2. Cut the same shape from a scrap piece of cardboard.
  3. Mount the shape to the end of a Popsicle stick using tacky white glue. Let dry.
  4. Now glue this hand shape to a sheet of foam paper on one side first. Let dry and cut out the mounted mit.
  5. Turn the hand mit over and repeat steps for the opposite side.
  6. Take a permanent ink pen and draw the fingers, outline the edges and write ''Go Team'' on the wrist of the foam hand mit. Your doll can support her school team using the school colors in foam for this craft.

Left, cardboard cut-outs of number "1" hand signal for mit. Center, gluing the template onto
foam sheets. Right, a drawn pattern for the mit that students may copy/trace.

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