Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Dolls from The Festival of Dolls in Japan

         No country in the world honors dolls more than Japan, where a Dolls' Festival has been held each year for more than a thousand years. The Festival lasts three days. It begins on the third day of the third month. That is March the third on our calendar.
       The Festival of the Dolls is the happiest time of the year for the Japanese girls. It is then that the Festival Dolls are put on display. It is then that the girls dress in their best clothes and serve the dolls and the grown-ups just as though they themselves were grown-up hostesses in their own homes. It is then that the shops are filled with Festival Dolls and their belongings - furniture, cooking utensils, dishes, cakes and candies.
       As the Festival Dolls are lovely and many of them very old, they can not be played with. However, every little Japanese girl has a play doll or two. These she may play with whenever she wishes. Kimiko is a play doll. Behind her in the photograph one sees the sacred mountain, Fuji.

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