Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Little Women Rag Babies

These "Little Women" dolls are made using fabric and fine wigs.

       Years ago Louisa M. Alcott wrote a story book called "Little Women." The book has been a favorite ever since. The story was about four sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March. These modem dolls are dressed to look like the sisters. Amy, the youngest sister, stands in front of the piano. She was the one that liked to draw and paint. Meg, short for Margaret, was the oldest. She was the careful, dainty sort that was never known to lose a glove or to look untidy. Meg stands just back of Amy. Elizabeth, nicknamed Beth, was the gentle little sister who was not well. She loved music and practiced faithfully on an old rattle-trap of a piano. At length, she came to play very well. She was the sort of girl who was never too tired to play when asked. One day Beth was given a beautiful, new piano all for her very own. In this photograph, Beth is seated at the piano. 
        Josephine, called Jo by every one except her cross aunt, is the doll with the apron. Jo liked to write stories. And she did very well at it. The hard part for Jo was getting up her courage to take her stories to the editors. She made herself go though, and she sold some of her stories. 
       The big cat sleeping so comfortably in the chair belongs to Beth. 
        The story of "Little Women" is a story of Civil War days. That is why this photograph looks so old-fashioned.

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